ultimate user

英 [ˈʌltɪmət ˈjuːzə(r)] 美 [ˈʌltɪmət ˈjuːzər]

网络  走火入魔; 军长; 最终用户; 最终消费者



  1. Perhaps the ultimate method of customization is letting the user take control.
  2. Our User Experience Environment is an ultimate solution for "End User Testing" processes, integrated video capturing, screen recording, question sheets and data psychological analysis.
  3. There are several middlemen between the manufacture and the ultimate user.
  4. CUSTOMER ( Participant) Ultimate consumer, user, client, beneficiary or second party.
  5. The final or ultimate user of a computer system. The end user is the individual who uses the product after it has been fully developed and marketed.
  6. Lee Laser considers an OEM Customer to be any customer that purchases a laser product for integration into another, larger system for ultimate resale to an end user.
  7. Are hazards inherent in the final product, and warnings against foreseeable misuse and abuse made known to the ultimate user?
  8. An ultimate user oriented prototyping method
  9. The ultimate aim of the numerical simulation on temperature field in castings solidification process is for eliminating shrinkage/ porosity or limiting them within the user's permission.
  10. The ultimate experiments verify its simplicity in designing agent system, agent controllability, as well as good interaction between user and agent system.
  11. The ultimate realization of all the functional and other non-functional requirements with good user interface has good scalability and maintainability.
  12. Power Distribution System is the ultimate power supply link to the user. Because of geographical dispersion, multi-branch lines, mix of old and new equipment and other reasons, it has a relatively high failure rate in the whole power system.